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Ficus radicans (sagittata) "Variegata"

Ficus radicans (sagittata) "Variegata"

Regular price €8.90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €8.90 EUR
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This climbing Ficus is native to South East Asia, where it is very widespread and common. Similar to other “Strangle Ficus,” it grows its stems around a host tree and can completely envelop it over time. Unlike its more "aggressive" relatives, however, it remains more or less harmless to the host tree. The stems do not grow very thick and do not crush the host tree.

The shape of the leaves resembles Ficus benjamini . This variegated form has additional white-trimmed leaf edges. Very beautiful, easy and also fast growing, especially in summer.

This Ficus loves heat, from 20°C upwards and partial shade. Even a humidity of 60% or more. It must never dry out, and it is not particularly demanding in terms of substrate, in fact, the opposite, because it grows well in normal soil, even in hydroponics.

You shouldn't be put off by the fact that like all ficuses, it actually sheds its leaves regularly. This is not a cause for panic, but it is quite normal. It does not like frequent changes of location, in this case, it reacts by dropping many leaves. But even this should not be a cause for concern, because especially young plants adapt quickly. This takes much longer however, with large established plants.

Ideal as a terrarium and houseplant.

12cm vase

light quantity icon Partial shade.

water icon Keep the soil moist.

humidity icon From 50% to 90%

temperature icon From 20° to 30°C
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